2012 Muscle Beach Events Hosted By HeadBlade
We are proud to be hosting multiple bodybuilding events during Memorial Day weekend at the world famous Muscle Beach in Venice, California (just a few miles from HeadBlade HQ)!
Saturday, May 26 is the Raw Bench Press competition. The Muscle Beach International Classic & Armed Forces Championship takes place on Monday, May 28 and features bodybuilding, figure, bikini and men’s physique competitions.
We will be on site providing samples, words of encouragement and spreading the message of HeadBlade and head shaving. Drop by the HeadBlade booth and say hi!
There are many exciting things on the horizon, so be sure to ‘Like’ us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and join our mailing list (signup is at the bottom of the page). We promise not to bother you too much, and you’ll be the first to know about special deals, promotions and new products.