Bald And Beautiful…A Father’s Love And Support.
In November of 2010 my 12 year old son was diagnosed with a condition called Alopecia Areata, an auto immune disorder where white blood cells attack his hair follicles and it begins to fall out. Five months later he had lost 90% of his hair on his head.
On his 13th birthday we invited many of his friends, along with their parents, to come and celebrate not only his birthday but his condition, as well. It was deemed a "headshaving" party. A mother and a sister of one of my son’s friends, both hairstylists, provided the service of clipping the hair of those willing to support his condition…all his friends, as well as, the father’s participated.
After being the first to support my son by getting my hair clipped, I immediately took it another step and grabbed my HeadBlade razor and finished the job. As of today my son will be turning 14 in April and is still "bald and beautiful". I continue to support my son by keeping my head cleanly shaven and will continue to do so until my son’s condition changes.
Picture inluded shows both my son and I on the day of his 13th birthday.
Name: Ed Kaleikini
Email: flynhawyn05@verizon.net
City: Westminster
State: California
Country: United States