Better Hair Care Is No Hair Care!
My story is simple. I was 'blessed' with naturally curly hair. The kind that grows vertically into a pile on top of your head. Factor in a terrible case of dandruff and psoriasis and my head was a serious nightmare.
To tame that disaster area, I regularly buzz clipped my hair for many years. I did notice, though, that some gray was appearing in my hairline, and I was only 40.
Once, before an important appointment, I needed a trim and could not find the guards for my clippers. I decided to just buzz it down to the scalp and deal with it.
The next day, I shaved it with a razor. I hacked it up pretty good, my head looked like a nicked up bullet that the CSI people dug out of a crime scene.
It was then I realized I needed a better razor, so I picked up a Headblade and some HeadSlick from the local drugstore.
My scalp was awful, splotchy and scaly from the psoriasis. I used some medicated apricot facial scrub and began regularly washing my scalp with it. Two weeks later, with the help of Headblade products, my head was sly and smooth and I looked and felt awesome.
That was almost four years ago.
Shortly after I went bald, I found the woman of my dreams. She absolutely loves my bald head. And I love it when she touches my head.
We met on Facebook. She was attracted to my dome when she saw my profile picture. The photo was an oddity, I was in costume for Halloween and singing in the finals of a karaoke contest. Good thing I reminded her of a very famous and sexy starship captain!
I'll never stop shaving my head, even though I was not losing my hair, I am 'bald by choice.' I look and feel younger, no more gray and no more 'heartbreak of psoriasis.'
I highly recommend anyone who is not pleased with their hair or hairline to give it a shot. There's nothing like it!
Name: Dave Lowe
City: Tampa
State: FL
Country: USA