Black Friday? Meet The All-New ATX LE Black!
Here at HeadBlade, we are fans of black. Ever since the original HeadBlade (now called the Classic) our company colors have been yellow and black, and every razor since has followed suit.
Just for this holiday season we're proud to introduce a sleek new member to the HeadBlade family…the ATX LE Black! Perfect if you're not into the whole "multiple colors" thing. Finger ring, body, wheels & tires…all black. The yellow HeadBlade badge on the front provides a small splash of color.
Does it look like the batmobile? Sure. But can the batmobile shave your head? Probably, have you seen the inside of that thing?
We are offering a sweet deal for those who want this new Limited Edition color HeadBlade as part of a starter kit. The ATX LE Black Kit comes with the following products:
- HeadBlade ATX LE Black
- HB4 Refill Blade Pack
- 2oz Travel Pack
- Box for easy gifting
- FREE Grey HeadBlade Beanie
A perfect starter kit for anyone who shaves, whether a HeadBlade newbie or veteran. This also ships FREE in the USA, just choose the "free shipping" option at checkout.