Free Sample Packs With Every Order! - HeadBlade

Free Sample Packs With Every Order!

Free samples are great. Just ask the 2 grandmas wrestling over the last french bread pizza sample at Costco. They let you try new things without committing to a big purchase. 

Count us in! Every order on now comes with a free set of HeadShed, HeadSlick shave cream, HeadLube Glossy & HeadLube Matte samples (1 each). Now you can try a great selection of our pre-shave, shave and post-shave headcare products for free!

Here's a quick rundown of the products:

HeadShed – Pre-shave exfoliating scrub. Put a little in your hand and gently scrub your scalp before shaving. Rinse well, apply shaving cream, and shave as usual.  HeadShed has little bits of ground up walnut shells that help remove dead skin flakes from your scalp and soften your hair for shaving. You'll notice the razor glides right through your hair after using HeadShed.

HeadSlick – Mentholated shave cream. Apply a little in your hand and rub over your scalp. A little goes a long way! A dime to nickel-sized amount should be plenty. Shave as normal and rinse well. Feel the cool menthol tingle…refreshing! 

HeadLube Matte – Post-shave moisturizer. After shaving, dry your scalp with a towel. Apply HeadLube and rub into scalp. HeadLube will moisturize without leaving your head shiny!

HeadLube Glossy – Post-shave moisturizer. HeadLube Glossy is for the guys that like to shine, leaves your scalp nice and shiny. Bling!

We hope you enjoy working these products into your daily headcare routine. Let us know what you think! 
