It Pays To Shave. Literally. Get Your $25 Gift Certificate! - HeadBlade

It Pays To Shave. Literally. Get Your $25 Gift Certificate!

Sometimes it really pays to shave.  Check out this great deal!  Through the weekend, all orders over $75 on our site will receive a $25 gift certificate!  Orders over $50 will receive a $10 gift certificate.  No codes required…combine it with our free UPS Ground shipping over $75 for an extra special deal. 

Imagine everything you could do with your $25 gift certificate…stock up on blades, pick up a HeadBlade shirt, or spread the love and buy a HeadBlade for a friend! How you choose to spend your gift certificate is up to you, oh the possibilities!  

*Orders must be over stated amount before shipping and after any discounts. Gift certificates will be sent via email on Monday, March 3.
