HeadBlader Feature: Mark Toppings - HeadBlade

HeadBlader Feature: Mark Toppings

We would be nothing without loyal HeadBladers like Mark Toppings. Mark recently shared his HeadBlade story with us and we designed a custom HeadBlade face of Mark. You look good in Black and Yellow, Mark: 

When I finally decided to start shaving my head, I made the mistake of using straight blade razors. I suffered from nicks and cuts daily. I came across HeadBlade and decided to order it and BAM! I was sold. I have now been a loyal Headblader for over 20 years. It’s some of the greatest, truly dependable products out there for those of us who have decided to go hairless. I support the bald life.

Mark Toppings

My daughter has known me as a bald guy for so long that she doesn’t even call me ‘Dad or ‘Pop’ anymore. The only thing I’ll respond to is when she says “Hey Baldman!” She gave me these gifts for Father’s Day a couple years ago. I still use the money clip and the keychain everyday.

Here’s to many many more bald-headed years!
