PLEASE Help Us Test Our New Blade Cartridges (FREE)! – OFFER CLOSED
EDIT: Due to overwhelming response this offer is NOW CLOSED. Thank you all!
The rumors are true. Here at HeadBlade Worldwide Headquarters, we've been hard at work in the shave lab perfecting the design for our next generation of HeadBlade cartridges. Our new cartridges feature "open-flow" design for easy rinsing as well as some fancy moisturizing lubricating strips. They also use the newest technology for thinner, long-lasting blades that give an incredibly comfortable shave. The cartridges will come in both 4 and 6 blade configurations.
We've done our part, now we're asking for some help from our beloved HeadBladers! We're looking for current HeadBladers to try our new blades and answer a VERY short (10 question) survey about your shaving experience. Your answers will help us make the final adjustments needed to get these blades just perfect! For your efforts you'll also receive 20% off your next HeadBlade order!
Participation in this test is FREE! All you have to do is click on the link below, add the the "Adaptor Test Pack" to your shopping cart, and checkout. This is totally free, we'll even take care of the shipping charges. The "Adaptor Test Pack" contains an instruction card, (1) 4 blade cartridge, (1) 6 blade cartridge, and (2) test adaptors.
Picture above is a tentative package design. Blade packs not included in this free offer. This offer is for US shipping addresses only.