Product Spotlight: HeadShed - HeadBlade

Product Spotlight: HeadShed

Aestheticians and dermatologists will tell you that when it comes to skin care, exfoliation is one of the most important things in your routine. Removing the dead, dry cells from the surface reveals new, healthy skin ready for shaving and moisturizing.


We developed HeadShed so that your head gets all the pampering it deserves, and you’ll get a clean, smooth shave. The finely crushed walnut shells gently scrub away any flakes or impurities, leave your head shiny smooth, helping your HeadBlade glide nicely over your head for that quick and easy shave you’ve come to count on.


Now, we can chat up the product til the cows come home, but the “proof is in the pudding,” as the saying goes. What do actual HeadBladers say?


SAM gave HeadShed a rave review, and shared some HeadBlader pro-tips:
starstarstarstarstar An absolute must for head shavers
Prior to using this product, I constantly struggled with dry/flaky skin on my head. I was scratching my head all the time and often would find myself picking at particularly flaky spots throughout the day … not exactly a habit that you want to get into. You do NOT want to be that guy who is always scratching/picking his bald head, that is simply not good.


With HeadShed, those dry/flaky spots are COMPLETELY GONE and I almost never have an itchy head these days. My head is significantly smoother than it’s ever been before and it makes all the difference in the world. Because I have very sensitive skin, I only shave my head every other day and therefore only use HeadShed every other day (immediately before shaving). You do not want/need to rub hard when using HeadShed – it will do the work for you. Just rub lightly, especially on the more sensitive parts of your head like the hairline. I suggest using a non-exfoliating shampoo on your non-shaving days.


Side note: It seems like everyone suggests shaving your head immediately after a shower so the hair is softened up. That’s great in theory and it does work well, but it’s not always possible or practical to do that if you’re traditionally a shower-in-the-evening, shave-in-the-morning person. I’ve found that if I’m not showering immediately before shaving, I can just (1) run warm/hot water over my head in the sink for 10-20 seconds, (2) lightly rub a small amount of HeadShed over my head for 10-20 seconds, (3) rinse it off with warm/hot water, and (4) lather up with HeadSlick and get right to shaving. These quick steps make a big difference if you need to shave without a full shower first.


Get yourself some HeadShed today!
