Does Shaving Your Head Cure Dandruff?
What Causes Dandruff?
Contrary to popular belief, dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp condition, not caused by hair. Dandruff is the buildup of dead skin cells. When you have a full head of hair, dead skin cells collect. This buildup, combined with scalp oils (sebum), your head becomes an ideal breeding ground for fungus. As a result, your head becomes itchy and irritated and a dandruff condition develops.
Does Shaving Your Head Cure Dandruff?
Shaving can reduce many symptoms of dandruff. In a nutshell, shaving removes the hair that dandruff clings to. Consequently, if you have no hair on your head, there is no place for dandruff to live. In addition, the exfoliating properties of shaving remove the first layer of skin which is mostly comprised of dead and dry skin. Once you have a blank canvas of a shaved head, dandruff treatments can be spread more evenly and work more effectively.
Exfoliating Properties
The exfoliating properties that come from shaving can be paramount to relieving your scalp of dead skin cells. Dandruff is a scalp problem, so in addition to exfoliating, it is important to use scalp treatments as well. First, use an exfoliator such as HeadShed Scrub in order to get rid of dead skin and prep yourself for a great shave. Secondly, make sure you use a razor that is built for your head. The HeadBlade MOTO Razor’s award-winning dual-active suspension allows the blade to pivot up and down your scalp. This razor gives men their cleanest and closest shave. Once shaved, hydrated your head to prevent irritation. Products that help keep your skin moisturized and healthy will also combat dandruff. A product such as ClearHead contains green tea extract and Zinc PCA which help reduce inflammation.
Effectively Manage Dandruff
If you shave your head, you are eliminating the environment where dandruff prospers. Many men choose to shave their head in order to combat the embarrassing and uncomfortable effects of dandruff.