HeadBlade Letter Of The Month – April 2014
April's letter of the month comes from Michael A.
I'm a Canadian living in Taipei, Taiwan. I heard about your product around Christmas when I was watching Inside MMA and Bas Rutten recommended the Headblade. I finally got around to ordering it for myself. I've ordered a lot of things online from North America recently as it's hard to find clothes etc. to fit me properly over here. I was very, very impressed and happy with how fast I received my order from Headblade.com. I'm extremely satisfied with the products I ordered (the ATX and the Head Slick shave cream)! Great products and great quality! I will be a customer for life! Has made my shaving easy and enjoyable, Thank you Headblade Team!
-Michael A.
Thank you Michael! Whether it's "HeadBlade is the best thing since sliced coconuts" or "This thing couldn't shave a lemon", we value your feedback. HeadBladers around the world send us stories, product reviews, pictures and more…we value them all! If you want to send us your feedback, send us a message from our support page. We read and respond to every message, so let us hear your thoughts.
See also: HeadBlade Pic of the Month – April 2014