What Are The Best Ways To Take Care Of A Shaved Head?
What are the best ways to take care of a shaved head?
A shaved head is beautiful! In order to keep it that way, you need to take proper care of your head and look after your scalp! Just because there is no hair on your head does not mean you are immune from irritation, ingrown hairs, flaky skin, or sunburn.
Use The Right Razor
You will get the closest shave using a manual razor. Choosing a razor that has a flexible head will give you the finest shave. The Headblade razors, MOTO and ATX All Terrain head razor are specifically designed for shaving head. The blades are set at the perfect angle. Based on the simple idea of making your finger the handle and using a car-like suspension, the Headblade razors eliminate nicks. Your palm and fingers stay in contact with your scalp at all times: you are shaving by feel. This is specifically helpful shaving the back of your head because no mirror is required. Shaving with a HeadBlade razor is faster, easier, and just-plain-better than a traditional stick razor.
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Knowing how your hair grows can be an advantage when it comes to shaving. Because hair can grow in various directions, shaving in the proper direction of growth reduces the chance of ingrown hairs and irritation.
Daily Care
Exfoliating the skin can help get rid of dead skin cells and oils. The fine ground walnut shells found in the HeadShed scrub leaves the skin smooth and clean. This smooth surface allows the razor to glide smoothly across the head. Clearing the debris off the skin through exfoliation minimizes pore size and allows hair to grow freely and naturally.
Because a bald scalp has no external protection it can become scaly and dry. It is paramount to moisturize consistently: before and after shaving. Depending on your aesthetic preference, you can use certain products. For a shiny look, products such as HeadLube Glossy Lotion enhances your glow. If you prefer a matte look, HeadLube Matte Lotion is a great option.
Protect your head! Without the natural insulation of hair, your head is extra vulnerable to the weather. Being bald and burnt is not fun! Use a strong, high SPF daily. When it is cold, protect your head from harsh winds with a hat or scarf.